Safety Recalls, Product Recall Notices, Dangerous Products, Consumer Product Safety Recalls

from Accident Lawyer Hawaii - Defective Products Claims - Product Liability Attorney William H. Lawson

Home > Electrical Equipment > Televisions, Guards & Antennas
August 30, 1979  
Release # 79-044

Repair Program Set For Sears Televisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 30) -- Sears, Roebuck and Co. today announced a repair program to correct a potential fire hazard in 21,000 of its 19-inch portable color television sets. The program is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The sets were manufactured with an electrical resistor which may overheat, possibly causing an internal fire which could spread to other combustible materials. The sets were sold from 1973 through 1975.

Sears has received consumer reports of five fires in the television sets. No injuries have been reported.

The sets were sold nationwide under the "Sears" brand name for approximately $490. They can be identified by one of the following model numbers on the back of the cabinet: 564.41990300, 564.419913000, 564.41991301, 564.41991302 or 564.41991303. No other sets are involved.

Consumers should contact their local Sears store or service center to arrange for free repairs.

To verify model numbers, consumers also may contact CPSC's toll-free Hotline 800/638-2772.

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