Safety Recalls, Product Recall Notices, Dangerous Products, Consumer Product Safety Recalls

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August 28, 2002
HOP SHING Juice Extractors Recalled by Quixtar Inc.
Quixtar Inc., of Ada, Mich., is voluntarily recalling 58 juice extractors. The juice extractors are white and measure approximately 12-inches high, 6-inches wide and 10-inches deep. Located on the bottom of the unit is the manufacturing and model information indicated as: "HOP SHING, Juice Extractor, JA-388." Quixtar Inc. sold the juice extractors on its membership-only web site from January 2002 through March 2002 for about $60. They were manufactured in China.
July 18, 2002
Juicers Recalled by Aroma Housewares Co.
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Aroma Housewares Co., of San Diego, Calif., is recalling about 117,000 more juice extractors or juicers. The juicer's filter and lid can break apart and project metal and plastic into the air, causing injuries to consumers.

November 15, 2001
Hamilton Beach Recalls Juice Extractors
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Hamilton Beach, of Glen Allen, Va., is voluntarily recalling about 2.4 million juice extractors. The juice extractor's strainer basket and lid can break apart, posing a risk of injury to nearby consumers, who can be struck by metal or plastic.
August 3, 2000
Juice Extractors Recalled by Appliance Co. of America
June 30, 1999
Juice Extractors Recalled by Aroma Housewares
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Aroma Housewares Co., of San Diego, Calif., is recalling about 40,000 juice extractors. The juice extractor's filter and lid can break apart and project metal and plastic into the air, causing injuries to consumers.
August 27, 1997
Juice Extractors Recall by Moulinex S.A.
In cooperation with the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC), Moulinex S.A. of Paris,France, is recalling about 120,000 juice extractors. Thejuice extractor's filter and lid can break apart and projectmetal and plastic into the air, causing injuries toconsumers.
March 26, 1996
Juice Tiger Recall Program by National Media Corp.
In cooperation with the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC), National MediaCorporation, of Philadelphia, Pa., is announcing aninspection and parts replacement program for 77,000 JUICETIGER electric juicers. The plastic cover and wire meshgrater/filter basket may crack or shatter if the basket isnot placed in the juicer properly, possibly injuring peoplenearby. CPSC and National Media Corporation are awareof 14 incidents resulting in at least eight lacerations tothe hands, face, arms, and chest and one permanent eyeinjury.
May 15, 1995
Juice Master Chef's Choice Juicer Recalled by HSN Marketing
In cooperation with the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC), HSN Marketing Inc. ofBoonton, N.J., is recalling approximately 61,000 JuiceMaster Chef's Choice brand electric juicers. The plasticcover and wire mesh grating basket may crack or shatter ifthe basket is not properly placed in the machine.
January 19, 1995; Last revised August 9, 2004
Electric Juicers Strainer Baskets Recalled by Singer
September 30, 1994
Krups Recalls Vitamini Juice Extractor, Model Number 290
December 13, 1993
Sweda Juice Factory Electric Juicers Recalled by Telebrands

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