Safety Recalls, Product Recall Notices, Dangerous Products, Consumer Product Safety Recalls

from Accident Lawyer Hawaii - Honolulu MVA Attorney Hawaii Personal Injury Lawyer - Honolulu PI Attorney William H. Lawson

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April 8, 1999
Heat Detectors Recalled by Interstate Engineering
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer ProductSafety Commission (CPSC), Interstate Engineering, of Dallas,Texas, is voluntarily recalling about 40,000 heatdetectors. These heat detectors can fail to alarm or alarm for ashorter period of time than intended when fire ispresent.
July 28, 1997
Heat Detectors Recall by Chemetronics Caribe
In cooperation with the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC), Chemetronics Caribe Inc.of Luquillo, Puerto Rico, is recalling 12,000 STARGARDAT Series dual contact heat detectors. Heat detectorsmonitor room temperature to provide an alarm in the event offire. The recalled heat detectors can fail to operateproperly, not detecting the presence of fire.

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